Yale Water Polo

Water polo is a club sport at Yale; there is a men’s team and a women’s team, with competition seasons in the fall and spring, respectively. The teams mostly consist of undergraduates but are also open to graduate students. Participation ranges from roughly one to four grad students, plus the occasional postdoc, at any given time (although you must be a full-time student to compete). Practices are held at the Payne-Whitney Gym during the competition season, usually during weekday evenings.

A co-ed league is formed over the summer, and is open to non-Yale affiliated players. Contact the men’s team coach (through their website) for more information on joining the summer team.

One Response to Yale Water Polo

  1. Kim says:

    Water polo is a ridiculously fun sport. The women’s team welcomes anyone from total beginners (though knowing how to swim is kind of critical) to experienced players, so come play with us…

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